<aside> 💡 Tip: Use this page to organize important information for yourself. Add links to pages and interesting articles, courses, and newsletters - keep them up to date.



**DevDocs -** A place to find all your favorite documents

**Carbon** - Create images of your source code.

**ColorHunt -** Find colors for your website that match

GTMetrix - Test website loading Speed

VS Code

**IntelliJ CE** - ****Free IDE Version I Use

HTML Cheat Sheet

Cron Job Expression Generator

**MockARoo** - ****Generate fake data

Free Courses

MIT Courses

MIT Programming Specific

Stanford Courses

Harvard Courses

CSSU Java Course



Coursera Free Courses

EDX Courses

**EDX Courses #2 -** Free courses usually have an “Audit Track” when you enroll.


Developer RoadMap

SmashingMag - Articles

YCombinator News

Software Engineering Daily

Developer Environment

Docker Desktop

Cygwin- Windows PC POSIX API functionality

**Chocolatey** - Windows PC Package Manager

Git Bash Client - Windows PC